Yes, this was our last year for legally popping fireworks here in Hawaii. They are banning this tradition that locals since I can remember have been doing for New Years Eve and the 4th of July. Man am I going to miss it. My two older kids had a blast that night, well, Alexa fell asleep at about 9 and Liya was gone by 8 (I fell asleep at 10 so we didn't see the midnight extravaganza but I sure did hear it!!). The youngest, not so much. A little too loud and the whistles on some really pierced the ears. Here are some pictures of them.
Do you like the girls hair?! Yes they had cut them they're selves (on separate occasions). We did not take Christmas pictures this year because of this. Long story short, I could not fix this because they had had cut their hair almost to the skin (thankfully it did not).
Well, happy new year and we wish you a happy, healthy and safe year to come.